Last year, Comedy Central ordered a one-hour sketch-comedy special from former Daily Show correspondent and upcoming Netflix host Hasan Minhaj’s sketch group Goatface, and now it has a premiere date and trailer. Minhaj is joined by fellow Goatface members Asaf Ali (Wrecked), Fahim Anwar (Superior Donuts), and Aristotle Athiras (director of Fahim Anwar and Tom Arnold’s recent stand-up specials) in the special, which includes sketches and both individual and ensemble stand-up performances covering topics like “sneaker hype to over-the-top ’90s R&B lyricism; the unique trials and tribulations of being brown in America from ‘Starbucks names’ to Islamophobia; and personal experiences with overbearing parents, witnessing the miracle of childbirth, and much more.” The group originally formed Goatface back in 2011 and rose to popularity in part thanks to their YouTube channel.
Check out the trailer above, and watch the rest when Goatface airs on Comedy Central on Tuesday, November 27, at 10 p.m.