what the hell?

In Sunken Place Fashions: Jared Kushner is Wearing a Hat From Kanye That Says ‘Travel Space Again’

Photo: Bloomberg/Bloomberg via Getty Images

After telling Donald Trump today that he is on a “hero’s journey” and saying that the MAGA hat he’s been wearing around is his own personal Superman cape, Kanye is rising even higher in the President’s favorability rankings then he was before. Maybe he will become an honorary member of the first family? United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley just stepped down from her role, so maybe there’s a job opening for West at the UN. If Jeff Sessions gets fired after the midterms, we’ve seen crazier things than hypothetical Attorney General West. Until then, Kanye is contributing to the White House sartorially by supplying Trump, Ivanka, and Jared Kushner with some custom hats. We’ll tell you what each one says in escalating order of “Wow … ” President Trump has Kanye’s more efficient “Make America Great” design. Ivanka has the more ambitious “Make Earth Great Again,” while her husband sports the truly unexpected “Travel Space Again.” If we have truly crossed the Rubicon at this point, expect everyone to be issued one of these three caps before the 2020 “election”.

Jared Seems to Love His ‘Travel Space Again’ Hat From Kanye