As of Saturday, Kanye West appears to no longer be on Instagram and Twitter. West’s accounts both vanished following a period of intense controversy surrounding his support of Donald Trump, and some tweets he wrote on how we should change or do away with the 13th amendment. West also found himself on the receiving end of some very high-profile social media criticism. Chris Evans quote-tweeted him, writing, “There’s nothing more maddening than debating someone who doesn’t know history, doesn’t read books, and frames their myopia as virtue.” Meanwhile over on Instagram, Lana Del Rey commented on a picture of West he’d posted in a ‘Make America Great Again’ hat, writing “Trump becoming our president was a loss for the country but your support of him is a loss for the culture.”
West has also had a long and tumultuous relationship with Twitter in general, having previously criticized the platform for making people with fewer followers feel bad. However, it’s also entirely possible this move was made in an effort to buckle down and finally finish that album he told us was coming out last weekend.