Cancel all other year-end lists because the only one that matters has arrived. Barack Obama has shared his annual roundups of the best of his year in entertainment — obviously superior to all Vulture rankings — from books to music to film. Per usual, resident cool president Obama vibed with everything from “Apeshit” to Cardi B to vintage Prince to Brandi Carlile to … Hozier (???), but was too humble to include his own song for the last Hamildrop. Obama was also apparently a big fan of the Annihilation noise, dug Roma, Black Panther, and Eighth Grade, but, oh well, no love for Vice. But what topped Obama’s reading list for the year? Fire and Fury! Correct! We kid, we kid. Here’s a hint: We hear he’s become [wink, wink, wink] real close with its author. (We’ll see ourselves out.)
Update: Cardi B has seen Barack Obama’s co-sign and would very much like an audience with our forever prez. Make it happen, Malia! Someone! Anyone!