A long-distance courtship three years in the making — with an incredible Law & Order sub-plot — has finally come to its righteous end. As detailed by People, Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra were married today at a palace in Jodhpur, Rajasthan, the first of two ceremonies taking place in Chopra’s home country of India this weekend. The ceremony today was described as being of “western” tradition, with Jonas’ father, a pastor, officiating in front of hundreds of guests. Tomorrow will bring forth a separate Hindu ceremony that closely aligns with Chopra’s religious upbringing. While photos of the wedding have yet to be officially released, both Jonas and Chopra posted the same photo series on Instagram of their Mehendi party, a.k.a the vibrant pre-wedding celebration. “Once again we made it our own,” they wrote, “and it was an afternoon that kicked off the celebrations in the way we both dreamed.”
Congrats again to this very, very, ridiculously good-looking couple.