
No Pressure, Charlie Brown: Peanuts And NASA Are Headed to Apple to Get Kids Into Space

Photo: Peanuts Worldwide

What’s sweeter and more uplifting than the possibility that humans might one day wrench themselves free of gravity’s strangling grasp and travel unfettered among the stars? Why, Charles M. Schulz’s Peanuts, of course! According to Entertainment Weekly, Apple will reportedly be producing “new shorts, series and specials” featuring Astronaut Snoopy exclusively for their as-yet unnamed streaming service.

The new Peanuts material will be designed to inspire kids to pursue their interests in space exploration and STEM fields in general. Peanuts Worldwide and NASA had previously signed a Space Act Agreement to produce the short-form content last year. Now, while we know Snoopy already has his pilot’s license, how did he become an astronaut? Oh, that’s exactly the kind of thing Apple’s content will probably explain? Impressive synergy, Charlie Brown!

Peanuts and NASA Head to Apple to Get Kids Into Space