The Sundance Film Festival has now gotten about 25 percent less political, whether you like it or not. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, that bright young congresswoman from the Bronx who’s very good for TV ratings, has backed out of appearing at the festival’s premiere of Knock Down the House, a documentary she’s featured in that chronicles four “ordinary” women who ran for political office with varying degrees of success. “For almost two years, a mom followed several women as we run for Congress. I was one of them,” she tweeted Saturday afternoon. “Due to complications from the government shutdown, I’m sad to say I’ll miss @jubileefilms’ premiere of Knock Down the House. This film was made, with love, for people.”
In addition to Ocasio-Cortez, the three other women featured in the documentary with congressional aspirations include a coal miner’s daughter in West Virginia, a grieving mother in Nevada, and a registered nurse in Missouri. The premiere will proceed as scheduled for Sunday afternoon. We highly recommend watching Ocasio-Cortez’s Late Show appearance to fill the void!