She’s running! To Twitter to reply to your petition! On Friday, Cardi B responded to Stephen Colbert’s request, made earlier this week, that the Democratic party have the “Money” rapper deliver their rebuttal to the President’s State of the Union address. The plea came after Cardi’s recent rant about the government shutdown went viral, got remixed into a song and lead to an online argument with Fox pundit Tomi Lahren. “Why not,” Cardi tweeted this evening. “I get straight to the point. Government shutdown over.” Short, sweet and to the … oh, she already said that part. That’s how quick and effective this rebuttal would be!
As for whether the State of the Union is happening next week now that President Trump has effectively ended the shutdown, however, remains unclear. “The State of the Union is not planned now,” Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi told reporters on Friday. “What I said to the president is when the government is open we will discuss a mutually agreeable date, and I’ll look forward to doing that and welcoming the president to the House of Representatives for the State of the Union when we agree on that.”