If you don’t want an alleged sexual predator to pop up and ruin the flow of your many Spotify playlists, the streaming service is now giving you a one-click solution to make sure it never happens again. Per a report from Billboard, Spotify has quietly rolled out a feature in its newest update that enables listeners to permanently mute any artist from showing up on “curated playlists, as well as charts, radio, or a user’s personal library.” Utilizing this blocking tool is simple: Go to the artist’s Spotify landing page, and all you have to do is find a new button labeled “don’t play this artist.” If you click “yes,” that serves as confirmation that the artist in question will never be played again. As Billboard notes, though, the button won’t prevent total erasure of the artist from Spotify-curated playlists and searches — rather, if the offending person or band shows up, the song will just be skipped over. Interesting timing!