Many people were displeased with Adam Levine’s bare-chested antics during Maroon 5’s Super Bowl halftime show. Most of the complaints on Twitter were for how dumb his tattoos are, but some people did not like the brazen display of boy titty. The Hollywood Reporter obtained documents showing that over 50 people filed FCC complaints about Mr. Levine’s nips. This is nothing compared to the alleged half a million complaints filed against Janet Jackson’s singular nipple in 2004. Maybe people have chilled out since ‘04, maybe Les Moonves’ downfall means no one is around to destroy singers who expose their bodies, or maybe people are hypocrites.
Comparatively, 25 complaints per nipple seems paltry, but those who did complain name checked Jackson and the world’s mammary double standard. “Seeing Adam Levine’s nipples was repulsive,” said one complainant from Dallas. “Also the fact that there hasn’t been an immediate backlash like the Janet Jackson incident is disturbing and sexist.” Another from Indianapolis lamented that their children were in the room. “My children were watching. If I wanted them exposed to the trash I would let them go hog wild on pornhub,” they said. Hypocritical standards of decency are awful, but are they really worse than Adam Levine’s couch fabric shirt?