oscars 2019

The Oscars Stage Will Reportedly Have 40,000 Real Roses, Zero Real Hosts

The countdown to next week’s Oscars has begun, and to get you hyped for the Academy’s free-flowing, ever-changing plans for the evening, production designer David Korins revealed his curvy, beloved design for the telecast’s stage on Sunday. “1st look at my design for the 91st Academy Awards,” Korins, known for his work on shows like Hamilton and Dear Evan Hansen, wrote on Instagram. “We call this the CRYSTAL CLOUD.” Korins also notes that the undulating gold and blue design will include “about 40,000 real roses,” which, if the Academy really wants people to tune in, A-list celebs should be allowed to fight over at the end of the evening, like your aunts stealing the best centerpieces after a wedding.

Oscars Stage to Have 40,000 Real Roses, Zero Real Hosts