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Will Smith Reportedly Won’t Be on the Roster of the New Suicide Squad

Will Smith as Deadshot. Photo: Clay Enos/Warner Bros.

When it comes to the upcoming Suicide Squad film, Will Smith wants you to forget he’s the bad guys. According to Variety, the actor, who portrayed assassin Deadshot, will not be returning for the upcoming “relaunch” of the franchise due to scheduling issues. While director James Gunn had purportedly hoped the first film’s biggest stars, specifically Smith and Margot Robbie, would return for another (and who wouldn’t?), reports about the upcoming redo/redirect allege the movie will feature a “mostly all-new cast of characters” anyway.

As Variety points out, The Suicide Squad already has a release date from Warner Bros. (August 6, 2021), so hopefully they’ll be able to lock down casting sooner rather than later. Anyone who has had to staff a suicide squad last minute knows what a huge hassle it can turn out to be.

Will Smith Won’t Be on the Roster of the New Suicide Squad