The crown prince of the red carpet, Ryan Seacrest, changed up his Oscars routine this year by pulling double-duty with his beloved E! network and ABC, but his decades-long clout still managed to set him up for an uneventful evening that ended with Postmates and tears. As he recalled on The Tonight Show, Seacrest was given the opportunity to open the Oscars from inside the ceremony by introducing Queen, a role he believed would give him a seat to the show. He was … very, very wrong.
“I thought, This is cool, I’m going to see the Oscars with all the movie stars,” Seacrest explained. “I look back for my seat and the ushers and stage managers come and say, Mr. Seacrest, your car is ready. We don’t have a ticket for you. They sent me home to watch it on television like everybody else. Next thing you know I’m on Hollywood Boulevard going away from the Oscars.” If it makes Seacrest feel better, this writer also rang in the Oscars by eating a full pizza and wishing she was schmoozing with Richard E. Grant.