Simply everyone is enchanted with North Bergen High School’s production of Alien, and that includes the star and director of the original film. Deadline published Ridley Scott’s letter to the North Bergen High drama department, which praised the cast and crew to no end. “This is maybe the biggest lesson for ALL OF YOU, and your future plans,” he wrote. “Stay with this determination, and this spirit in everything you do and you will succeed — let nothing put you off — or set you back.” He also suggested they put on Gladiator next, and wrote that his production company would help fund an encore presentation of the play. Sigourney Weaver, the original Ripley, also sent a video to the kids of North Bergen High. “It looked incredible,” she said. “The alien, I must say, looked very real to me. I just wanted to send our compliments. Not only from me but from James Cameron and the original screenwriter, Walter Hill. We all want to say bravo. Well done.”