Strange but not a stranger, she’s an ordinary gal, knocking down the house! A Netflix documentary revolving around four women running for Congress during the 2018 midterms got the boost of a lifetime when one of the first-time candidates, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, became a nationwide sensation thanks to her love of press-on nails, livestreaming, and, uh, ideas for her Bronx constituents too. Knock Down the House follows her, as well as the three other women, as they defied odds with their congressional runs in the months leading up to their elections. (Amy Vilela, Cori Bush, and Paula Jean Swearengin unfortunately weren’t as lucky.) “If I was a rational person, I would’ve dropped out of this race a long time ago,” Ocasio-Cortez jokes in the trailer. “Americans aren’t asking for a lot, they’re just asking for politicians to help them get by.” Seems true to us. It premieres on May 1.