Though Disney has gone to such great lengths not to reveal anything about the plot of Avengers: Endgame (meaning the only thing we could discuss were the new the haircuts), a significant amount of credible footage from the film appears to have leaked online before the premiere. While, of course, we won’t describe what leaked in this forum (one would never want to piss off Marvel fans and/or lawyers like that), according to descriptions on Reddit and elsewhere, the clips amount to about five minutes of footage from throughout the film, which seems to be credible and reveals a significant amount of the plot. Disney hasn’t yet responded to a request to confirm if this is indeed footage from the upcoming film.
Avengers: Endgame doesn’t premiere until April 26, which also means that those who’d prefer to avoid knowing anything going into the film have gone into panic mode, considering that the footage could easily slip into social media in the form of GIFs or summaries or however else. Or at least they’ve started to make some memes about this whole debacle.
If you care a lot about spoilers, consider this motivation to throw away your phone and go on a good social media cleanse for the next week or so and find inner peace. If you don’t care about spoilers, well, lean in close and let me tell you a secret: Climate change is caused by human activity and we should really do something about it.
Update, 2:54pm: While not directly commenting on the leak, Marvel’s Twitter account shared a note from the Russo brothers asking fans not to spoil plot points from the movie, even after seeing it in theaters. “Because so many of you have invested your time, your hearts, and your souls into these stories, we’re once again asking for your help,” it reads. “Remember, Thanos still demands your silence.” Conceptually this is difficult to follow, since Thanos is a villain and it seems weird to obey him, but you get the point.