As a pillar of the Fourth Estate, Vulture owes its readers service journalism. Which is why we are here to tell that no, there is no post-credits sequence attached to Avengers: Endgame. But is there one of those right-after-the-credits-start-rolling sequences? Reader, there is not. How about one of those random mid-credit sequences? There is not one of those either!
In fact, there is no preview of Spider-Man: Far From Home. There is no “Vision is alive?!” revelation. (RIP Vision, until WandaVision at least!) There is no surprise cameo by Goose the Flerken vomiting up a new Avenger.
How about a tease of Elizabeth Debicki painted entirely gold to get us ready for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. III? This site takes Elizabeth Debicki very seriously, so trust we would not lie to you about this: No, there is not. Sadly.
So what should I do with my life with all the minutes I will save not watching the entire credits sequence? So many things! You could finally go to the bathroom, since you’ve been holding it for three hours. You could sit quietly and contemplate the big questions like “Could Professor Hulk get it?” or “How do I really feel about Captain America without his beard?” or “Will Zendaya actually have a meaningful role in Spider-Man: Homecoming or are they just going to have her reading heavy literature like Of Human Bondage again and giving Peter an excuse to be a hero?”
Endgame not having a post-credits sequence means a world of possibilities have been opened up for you. Cherish that. Get to your car before the crowds are too heavy. Whatever you do, know that you are doing it as a Marvel fan whose post-credits sequence handcuffs have been removed, and you are finally free.