last night on late night

Were You the Fan Who Made Kit Harington Cry at the Airport?

Winter is coming, and so is Game of Thrones’ series finale, a fact that Kit Harington is no longer in deep denial about. He’s in such a good mood now, actually, that he can’t help but joke about a fan experience he ruined when he’d just finished wrapping the show, as it was coupled with a whole lot of blubbering. And tears. And maybe some light wheezing. “I had really, really waited to say, Not anymore. Like it a really stoic and cool way,” Harington explained, in response to the frequently-asked “are you Jon Snow?” question flung his way. “What really happened was I left set and I was very emotional, and this poor girl came up to me at the airport and went, Are you Jon Snow? And I go, Not anymore. She backed off pretty quick.” Ah yes, for context, please note his Not anymore featured all that aforementioned blubbering.

Were You the Fan Who Made Kit Harington Cry at the Airport?