Last night on The Tonight Show, Michael Shannon brought the inscrutable intensity of a haunted man to Jimmy Fallon’s desk to confess that acting has been getting him down, what with one too many nights of “filming all night long in a swamp, next to a Marathon Petroleum refinery,” and “watching the fires explode from the smokestacks,” and having “toxic clouds of mosquito repellent all over us.” You know, banter! When Fallon asks how Shannon unwinds between takes or backstage on Broadway, Shannon does a hard absurdist pivot to his love of Alvin & the Chipmunks, saying he slows down and speeds up their vinyl records to relax, which makes a lot of weird, perfect sense. He also grills Fallon a bit on the Chipmunks and asks him about paraphernalia, to which Fallon riffs: “Drug paraphernalia? Yeah, I have a bong. I have a Chipmunk bong, big deal!” ’Tis the season.