look what you made her do

Taylor Swift Trades Snakes for Hearts to Tease New Music

Photo: Taylor Swift/Instagram

Long live Taylor Swift’s Slytherin past. A blinged-out pastel phase is now upon us! Just after midnight on Saturday, the songstress made a series of power moves across her social media channels that strongly imply she’ll be releasing new music on Friday, April 26. Let’s consult the facts: On her Twitter and Instagram pages, she’s redesigned all of her photos to dreamy landscapes and hearts, with a caption of “4.26” uniting them all. On her website, there’s also a countdown clock counting down to the date. As Buzzfeed notes, Swift has been consistently using this pastel-y color aesthetic in her Instagram photos for months now, and she’s long been an enthusiast for stoking excitement with countdowns.

“When I’ve gone through dark, low times, I’ve always found a tiny bit of relief and hope in getting a countdown app,” she said this year, “and adding things I’m looking forward to.” Now, the lingering question remains: Will Swift remain a pop princess, or go back to her yeehaw country roots?

Swift has continued to post new pastel updates teasing the same date over the last few days, either a sign that new music will indeed be coming soon, or that she has plans to retire from it all and open a small arts-and-crafts store somewhere upstate.

So, What Is Taylor Swift Teasing With All of These Hearts?