Game of Thrones creators David Benioff and D.B. Weiss, a.k.a. Amanda Peet’s husband and his friend, stopped by Jimmy Kimmel to “answer all your questions,” which actually meant pointedly not answering a few questions. After a nice chat about how the series came to be, as well as that original pilot that didn’t pan out, Jimmy Kimmel threw a series of rapid-fire questions at them (the action begins about 6:49 in the video above). Those include: “Are we for sure done with the White Walkers?” to which the answer is apparently “we’re not gonna answer that.” As well as “Did Bran know that Arya was going to kill the Night King?” to which the answer is “possibly.” Finally: “Will someone take the Iron Throne?” which gives us another “possibly.” That is emphatically not a lot to go off of, but it is interesting. With the Night King’s death, didn’t his whole army explode, or does he have some back-up ice horcrux business going on? More importantly, will we get more Night King smirking? Please give the people (me) what we (I) want.