The show that helped launch Netflix’s big streaming resolution is coming to an end this summer. Orange Is the New Black will debut its seventh and final season on Netflix on July 26, and Netflix has served up a new trailer to make you emotional about it all. “Piper struggles with life on the outside, while life in Max, as corrupt and unjust as ever, goes on without her,” in the final season, per Netflix’s description. “Taystee’s friendship with Cindy still hangs in the balance as her life sentence looms, Gloria and her kitchen staff are confronted by the hard truth of Polycon’s newest profit stream, while others chase drugs or dreams and grapple with the reality of their place in this world.” Along the way they’ll all discover — sing it with me now — that taking steps is easy, and standing still is hard!
In addition to the trailer, Netflix put together a cast sing-along to the theme song “You’ve Got Time” and also released key art that features fan drawings of the characters. “Ten dedicated, talented, and diverse artists from across the globe — the UK, Armenia, Brazil, Italy, and the US — were hand selected via social media,” according to a release, “to have their showpiece displayed across buses, buildings, and billboards all over the world, in celebration of the seventh and final season premiere.”