last night on late night

Seth Meyers Salutes the Woman Who Scared Off a Cougar With a Metallica Song

Late-night shows can, and should, take a break from covering Donald Trump and politics every so often to give a national platform to other very important stories happening in the news, and there’s perhaps no better example of this at work than this segment from Tuesday’s Late Night called “The Kind of Story We Need Right Now.” In the segment, Seth Meyers recaps a story that recently went viral about a Canadian woman named Dee Gallant, who went hiking, discovered she was being stalked by a cougar, and responded in the best way possible: by blasting Metallica’s “Don’t Tread on Me” on her phone, which made the cougar run away. After Dee’s story went viral, she even got a phone call (and selfie) from Metallica’s lead singer James Hetfield. “This is the kind of story we need right now!” Meyers correctly says. “Our world is filled with people unwilling to take action in difficult situations — people who see danger and refuse to do what needs to be done. But not Dee Gallant. She is a role model for our times!”

Late Night Honors Woman Who Scared Off Cougar With Metallica