A sprinkle of Westworld, a pinch of Homecoming, a heaping dollop of The OA. Approximately 1000% of modern television shows seem to center around One Giant Mystery, and Jason Segel’s new series for AMC Dispatches From Elsewhere is no different. Based on the rainbow of pastel umbrellas and flash mob in the park, however, we’re thinking Dispatches’ mystery will focus less on, say, horrific cult murders and more on the fantastical mystery that is being alive. (Though, there could still be a horrific murder. You never know with TV these days.)
As the hour-long anthology series’ creator and star, Segel climbs inside in the puzzle box alongside costars Sally Field, Eve Lindley, André “3000” Benjamin and Richard E. Grant, who appears to be the game master or mental figment or alien overload in charge of this crazy, mixed-up universe.
According to AMC’s IMDB description of the series, the show follows four regular people who “stumble onto a puzzle hiding just behind the veil of everyday life. As they begin to accept the mysterious Dispatches from Elsewhere challenges, they come to find that the mystery winds deeper than they imagined, and their eyes are opened to a world of possibility and magic.” Aw! Okay, so probably no horrible murder. Either way, Dispatches From Elsewhere arrives sometime next year, so we can all find out then.