Joycelyn Savage, one of the many live-in girlfriends of alleged sexual abuser R. Kelly, has turned against him and is now going public with multiple claims of manipulative and controlling behavior. Per CNN, Savage — who defended Kelly in a tear-filled CBS This Morning interview earlier this year — is recounting her life with Kelly on a crowdfunded Patreon page, and says she’s breaking an NDA and “risking my life” to share her side of the story. Savage says she first met Kelly at the age of 19, when he promised to make her “the next Aaliyah” and showered her with gifts and affection. However, upon Savage moving into his home, Kelly’s behavior turned into “sexual and psychological abuse.”
“After these couple of months Robert started giving me commands, and making sure I call him by certain names. Like ‘Master’ or ‘Daddy’ which I didn’t really care for at the time,” Savage wrote. “If I wasn’t getting paid or pursuing my dream I would’ve went home, but all of that didn’t stop just yet. But it started getting worse by day by day, he would raise his voice at me if I didn’t call him by those two names. If Robert called me I would have to reply with ‘Yes, daddy’ or ‘Please daddy,’ he was so controlling. I’m a victim.”
Savage, who lived with Kelly for four years, also says he forced her to have two abortions in his home so “news would not break out,” and that he once choked her until she blacked out. “I kept thinking to myself, He just wants me to be safe, he wants the best for me, he thinks someone is going to take me away from him,” Savage added. “But it was me being delusional. Why would someone claim to love me and keep me locked up like some damn animal?” In a statement to Variety, Kelly’s lawyer says Savage’s statement consists of “stories and lies,” and that she seeks to “make money by exploiting her long time, loving relationship with Robert.”
Kelly, who’s currently in jail, is facing sex-crime charges in two states.
Update, November 26: Patreon has deleted the page created by Savage, due to being unable to verify her identity. “After multiple unsuccessful attempts to verify the identity of the account holder, we closed the Patreon page allegedly associated with Joycelyn Savage due to potential impersonation,” a spokesperson told TMZ. “All patrons who signed up for the membership page were refunded and the creator did not receive any funds.” The company added that once Savage is able to confirm her identity — through many forms of government-issued identification — the page will be reinstated.