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Soul Trailer: Pixar Cues Up Your Next Existential Crisis

Pixar is here again to teach you the tough truths of life and death in its new movie Soul. The movie stars Jamie Foxx as Joe Gardner, a middle-school band teacher who dreams of playing jazz, who takes a wrong step one day, falls through a manhole, and ends up in some mysterious spirit universe with a character named 22 voiced by Tina Fey. Gardner is also the animation studio’s first black lead. Pete Docter, of Inside Out, directed Soul, which similarly promises to go to weird existential places with cute characters that Disney can also make bank on selling as toys. The movie premieres December 25 on Disney+ after being pushed from June 19, 2020, so go ahead and reschedule that nice summer emotional breakdown for the holidays.

Soul Trailer: Pixar Cues Up Your Next Existential Crisis