Comedian and Daily Show correspondent Ronny Chieng heads to Netflix later this month with his comedy special debut, and the streaming network released the first trailer today. Titled Asian Comedian Destroys America, the special takes advantage of Chieng’s unique international perspective (he was born in Malaysia and raised in Manchester, New Hampshire, Singapore, and Australia), with Chieng doing everything from “evaluating the effects of consumerism to theorizing how efficient the U.S. would be with an Asian-American president.” Like the title of the special, the trailer pokes fun at something Netflix often does with stand-up special trailers, calling Chieng “stand-up’s most ruthless comedian” and saying that “nothing can stop his merciless pursuit,” “scathing judgments,” and “devastating criticism” — unless, of course, said criticism is about Netflix, in which case Chieng is a lot less ruthless. Check out the trailer above, then watch the rest when Asian Comedian Destroys America premieres on Tuesday, December 17.