If you’re a fan of Conner O’Malley’s comedy, you already know you’re in for some super-weird stuff, but the release of his new video today, “Hudson Yards Video Game,” makes the time he hosted a late-night talk show in a river look extremely normal. The nearly ten-minute short begins with O’Malley sauntering around the titular Manhattan area as if he were the main character in a video game collecting “Hello Points” and learning about Amazon perks, but when he reaches the top of NYC’s bizarre new landmark — a series of stairways to nowhere called the Vessel — his world immediately snaps into a creepy new dimension. He becomes a 3-D animation being confronted with very real and accurate inspirational quotes like “Your ‘family’ is stoping [sic] you from being successful” (Anonymous), “I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have with the ladys [sic]” (Thomas Jefferson), and “Success is not losing with no loss of success” (Winston Churchill). The whole thing is backed by Tool’s “Schism.” Look, we’re not sure if this is what it looks like when you win the Hudson Yards video game or if it’s a terrifying warning about being trapped inside of it, but like any O’Malley video, the images we just watched are now officially burned into our brains forever.