In news that literally came out of nowhere, Jay Electronica, the rap phenom and onetime Jay-Z protégé, took to Twitter to announce that his long-awaited debut album with Roc Nation is apparently dropping in 40 days. For those who might not remember exactly who Jay Electronica is, here’s the SparkNotes: After releasing a slew of projects on his Myspace page (yeah, that’s how far back we’re going) and the exquisite single “Exhibit C,” Jay Electronica was signed by Jay-Z’s Roc Nation in November 2010 only to more or less drop off the face of the Earth without ever releasing his highly anticipated album. There were rumors that he had finished an album in 2011, and an alleged track list was released in 2012, but not much has been heard from the man who was poised to be one of the biggest rap artists of the 2010s. Luckily for Kendrick Lamar, Jay Electronica took his time — ten years to be exact — and is now apparently ready to take the new decade by storm. At the stroke of midnight on Friday, February 7, Jay Electronica tweeted, “Album is done.” Jay Electronica then released a series of tweets insinuating that Jay-Z is on the album, he recorded it over 40 days and 40 nights starting on December 26, and that the album will be released in 40 days. To all the Jay Electronica fans out there, you’ve waited ten long years for the album: What’s 40 more days?