You can cancel people during a virus, but good luck canceling topical jokes about the art of self-quarantine. NBC confirmed that Jimmy Fallon, jumping in on the late-night trend started by Stephen Colbert earlier this week, will continue to film and produce “at home edition” monologues for The Tonight Show amid the coronavirus pandemic. Fallon, as well as Jimmy Kimmel, began these charming D.Y.I. segments for their respective shows on Tuesday evening, where he palled around with a guitar and raised nearly $20,000 for Feeding America. NBC added that Fallon will be putting out these 10-minute vignettes for the foreseeable future (which will air before Tonight Show reruns), and Lin Manuel-Miranda will be a guest via Zoom on Wednesday, March 18. Sources tell Vulture that The Late Show With Stephen Colbert will also have an at-home monologue Wednesday night before going on a long-scheduled hiatus. Jimmy baby, c’mon, give us the Neil Young sequel. He adores Zoom, too.