
At Least the Coronavirus Hasn’t Affected Rita Wilson’s Sick Rap Skills

Well, we finally have a reasonable explanation for Chet. A “stir crazy” Rita Wilson has posted a coronavirus update after several days of social media silence, teasing that we have to click on a video and “see it to believe it.” Heeeeeeey. No, she’s not actually reading Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card, which turned into a magnificent box office bomb. Hooooooo. She wants to rap for us, baby! Behold four uninterrupted minutes of Wilson crushing Naughty by Nature’s “Hip Hip Hooray,” a banger that, for all of the boomers out there, samples the best parts from Peter Gabriel’s “Sledgehammer.” (Ha ha, just kidding, every part is the best part in “Sledgehammer.”) Tom Hanks doesn’t make a cameo, perhaps because he’s planning his battle response.

Coronavirus Hasn’t Affected Rita Wilson’s Sick Rap Skills