Jane Fonda has already managed to get famous friends like Joaquin Phoenix, Lily Tomlin, Sally Field, and Ted Danson to join her in her Fire Drill Fridays climate-change protests. Now, she’s targeting the toughest demographic to convince to do anything: teens. On April 2, the actress and environmental-rights activist shared her first TikTok post. In the video, she’s doing the classic Jane Fonda workout and suggests you can do it too “during this home sequestration,” which, wow, okay, fancy word choice. She starts out on a yoga mat, instructing the viewer to lift their leg up and down in a move that Dua Lipa herself recently called the “Fonda.” After a few reps, the scene cuts to Fonda in her iconic Fire Drill Fridays red coat with a stirring, emoji-punctuated call to action.
“You know what? There are too many workouts happening right now on television and on computers. What I would really like you to do is work out with me for the planet. There’s a climate crisis that’s a real emergency, and so whether you’re on your couch or your yoga mat, will you join me for the virtual Fire Drill Fridays? The future needs you. I need you.”
Last month, Fonda announced that she would be collaborating with Greenpeace for virtual Fire Drill Fridays, and she will host the first youth-themed rally on April 3 (today) at 11 a.m. PT. According to a statement, the rally will “highlight the youth-led activism happening throughout the month of April, peaking over three days of virtual action starting on Earth Day (April 22) and culminating on April 24.” Fonda’s covering all her bases, so Greenpeace USA also posted a video to Instagram to promote the rally, with special appearances from youth faves like Norman Lear, Piper Perabo, Chelsea Handler, and Marisa Tomei (that’s Spider-Man’s aunt, for the children).
The TikTok video instructs viewers to text “Jane” to 877-877 for more information, and the Instagram links to a Zoom registration code. Just try to catch Jane this time, cyberpolice.