Damn, these socially distanced soap operas are getting crazier by the hour. Quite literally in the case of Vanessa (Kristen Wiig), who admits to the men in her life, Winston (Jimmy Fallon) and Fontaine (Will Ferrell), that she’s “six hours pregnant.” That’s right, do the math. “I got pregnant on Zoom!” Luckily for everyone involved, famed OB/GYN “baby doctor” Dr. DiNunzio (Matthew McConaughey, just relishing that accent) is called in to investigate who could be the father. The rest is … a bit wild, even by soap-opera standards, but at least his origin story is one for the ages. “My villainous ex-wife pushed me off a dock, but in very shallow water, and when I got to heaven I decided to save my own life,” he explains. “I’m just that good.”