After rewatching Ina Garten’s colossal cosmo tutorial about 100 times, we realized that one of her esteemed Barefoot Contessa co-stars was noticeably absent from the alcohol shenanigans: Her husband, Jeffrey, whose first-name-only icon status is beginning to rival surpass that of Madonna or Cher. Jeffrey was able to clear his schedule when Garten and Stephen Colbert did a giant cocktail reprise on The Late Show, where she also shared why she wanted to get drunk at 9:30 in the morning and post it on Instagram. “I had this glass and I thought, oh, this would be really funny. I had no idea what was going to happen, it was like a bomb exploded,” Garten explained about the viral video. “That says something about my friends that they think I need a glass this size. It was a gift!” She also wants us to know that there are no culinary rules in the coronavirus era, so go nuts. “You’re quarantined, you can do whatever you want whenever you want,” Garten added. “You can have chocolate cake in the morning and breakfast for dinner.” And as for Jeffrey, “he’s a good sport” about everything, as if we needed confirmation.