The world recently got twice as funny. According to an exclusive from US Weekly, actress and comedian Kristen Wiig reportedly welcomed twins via surrogate with her fiancé Avi Rothman earlier this year. While Wiig has not confirmed the arrival of her bundles of joy just yet (private babies are all the rage these days), she may have dropped hints that they were on their way while hosting the Mother’s Day quarantine episode of her former artistic home Saturday Night Live. “I don’t know if I truly appreciated my mom the first 45 years of my life,” Wiig said during her opening monologue. “But this year I’m feeling especially grateful for her advice, her love. I’m so thankful for all the things she’s taught me, like preparing me to be a mom myself.” Motherhood breadcrumbs, perhaps? To throw us off the trail, Wiig followed up the potential hint with a joke about what, exactly, her mother has taught her. “Things like breast-feeding,” Wiig said, before lifting up a plate of chicken breasts. “Babies love that chicken, she would always say that.” Congrats to Wiig, Rothman, and their two new additions. We hope they like chicken.