Chance the Rapper just handed Twitter a gold-framed certification to clown him at every opportunity. The Chicago native woke up on July 13 ready to endorse a candidate for the 2020 presidential election. Just … uh … not one who’s running. “And y’all out here tryna convince me to vote for Biden,” he quote-tweeted Kanye West’s new track “Donda.” “Smfh.” Then he tweeted: “Are we pro two-party system?” along with “Ima keep it real alota u niggas is racist” and “Officer officer officer officer officer Overseer,” lyrics from the song “Sound of Da Police.” Clearly not satisfied with the response from his followers, he asked the timeline what their opinions on Biden vs. West are. “I get that you’ll want to reply that you’re just tryna ‘get trump out’ but in this hypothetical scenario where you’re replacing Trump, can someone explain why Joe Biden would be better??” he tweeted. About ten minutes later, he had his answer, whatever that may be. “Yall trust Biden more than yall trust Ye,” he said. “I think I understand why, I just don’t feel the same way.” He logged right back off shortly, but not before switching the subject to asking the city of Chicago to “admit to and denounce the assassination of Fred Hampton,” a Black Panther who was killed by the FBI, even though he “didn’t plan on trending today.” Not only was it seen as a distraction, but it was also criticized for being an empty gesture. If this is what he can stir up when he’s not trying to trend, imagine what other kinds of career-ending tweets lurk beneath. Thank goodness he has experience as a clown to fall back on. Scroll for funny tweets.
Update, 1:35 p.m.: He logged back on. Instead of asking another free-response question, he opted for multiple choice. “Reparations,” he tweeted, with the poll options “Yes” or “No.” A guaranteed way to ensure a constructive, multisided conversation. “Disappointed with how this poll is looking but def explains everything thats happened so far today,” he said, blaming “over a quarter”of people who voted no for the backlash he’s getting for defending West. While the poll results came in, Chance replied to people asking for more info, trying to convince them of West’s capabilities and suggesting he can follow through on issues concerning the community. “How do you as an individual feel about prison abolition and universal basic housing?” Chance tweeted. “And if you’re in favor of those things how important are they in terms of immediacy?” He listed stances West has taken as if they were plans of action. “There’s more but ion work for folks so ill let him do his job,” he replied to someone on Twitter. “Just saying we been doing this thing the same way for a long time. Can a blck man get a chance.” Chance the Rapper is doing more for #Kanye2020 than West himself. Like, way too much.
Update, 4:45 p.m.: He calls it a “sprint,” but let’s be real; Chance is tumbling down the hill now. “I understand the improbability of Ye winning the 46th Presidential seat and I understand that everyone voting for Biden isn’t necessarily doing so enthusiastically,” he tweeted. “I am for black liberation and do not accept my recent endorsement from Terry Crews,” Chance added, after the actor — who recently tweeted, “We must ensure #blacklivesmatter doesn’t morph into #blacklivesbetter” — began engaging with his pro-West tweets. Here’s hoping that’s that on that.