Bryce Hall is intent on becoming the Jake Paul of TikTokers, and by that, we mean a complete horror to his neighbors. The 21-year-old unofficial Sway House leader and 19-year-olds Noah Beck and Blake Gray already had the power shut off at their Hollywood Hills rental by the mayor of Los Angeles himself. Now, their neighbors are exposing why it had to go this far. The Daily Mail says fans turned the street into a “party war zone,” allegedly “defecating and urinating in the street, having sex in cars, smoking marijuana in a fire risk area, and blocking the street until dawn” before the city intervened. The LAPD reportedly visited multiple times following calls from neighbors, and a neighbor named Catherine reports at least one SWAT team showed up.
Particularly vexed is 70-year-old Mark Mothersbaugh of Devo. He and his wife, Anita, reportedly live two doors down from Sway House, and we extend our sincerest apologies. Mothersbaugh was in the ICU with the coronavirus in June, his wife told the Daily Mail, and the Sway House antics are not helping his recovery. “There was a week where my daughters thought [Mark] would die.” She continued, “It makes me crazy, the sheer inconsideration. It goes on all day long. There are people in the pool screaming, they’re blasting music, and there are cars parked all down the street.” Sway House split and Hall, Beck, and Gray moved into their Hollywood Hills rental earlier this month. With their utilities cut, Hall told the Hollywood Fix they may be considering another move. Which wealthy neighborhood will they terrorize next?