legends on legends

Like You, Lady Gaga Is a Fetch the Bolt Cutters Fan: ‘That’s Culture’

Photo-Illustration: Vulture and Getty Images

And that’s not gossip. Lady Gaga, who gave the girls and gays one quarantine soundtrack with Chromatica in May, told Billboard that Fiona Apple’s own quarantine album, Fetch the Bolt Cutters, has been getting her through isolation. “I can’t tell you what a comfort Fiona Apple has been during this time,” she told the magazine for a cover story. “I just reveled in the way that girl is so herself. Anybody that’s going to tell me somebody is more relevant than Fiona Apple right now because they’ve got more followers on Instagram — I don’t have their number.” And neither do we. Gaga’s final review of Fetch the Bolt Cutters? “That right there? That’s culture.” We’ll be patiently awaiting the collab.

Update, 11:50 a.m.: According to Apple’s friend, roommate, and Twitter liaison Zelda Hallman, the singer-songwriter is honored by Gaga’s praise. “Fiona Apple is totally off the net these days, but I read her what you said,” she tweeted at Gaga and Billboard. “She literally grasped her heart, teared up, and softly said; ‘Lady. You stood up for me.’ It was really sweet. Thank you for the kind words.” In case you hadn’t already melted from reading Gaga’s praise alone.

Lady Gaga Is a Fetch the Bolt Cutters Fan: ‘That’s Culture’