Jenifer Lewis recalled working with the legendary Whitney Houston for TV One’s Uncensored, and it was, like everything Jenifer Lewis does, delightful. Lewis first shared what it was like to hear Houston sing on the set of The Preacher’s Wife: “The trills in her voice! The riffs! The range! The beauty! The soul! Her beauty,” she said. “A sight to see.” But Houston’s acting, according to Lewis, came less naturally to her. “She was always a little nervous about her acting skills,” Lewis said. “You know, one time she didn’t show up.” Lewis explained that while filming, there had been a “record-breaking blizzard” and Houston was a no-show to set. “I said, ‘Give me the phone,’ and I called her. I said, ‘Hey! Little girl! Why didn’t you call? They have to now wash my hair in ten-below-zero to fix it for another scene that you’re not in!’” said Lewis. But it all turned out to be a misunderstanding, of course – Houston was snowed in and couldn’t get out of her driveway. Paraphrasing Lewis doesn’t do her delivery of the anecdote justice, so watch the full clip below, and catch the full special on TV One tomorrow.