Y’all are really gonna let Mr. Steal Your Girl steal your life? An Ohio nightclub has been cited for violating COVID-19 health orders by hosting an indoor Trey Songz concert on Saturday night. Hundreds of people risked it all at a nightclub newly renamed Aftermath, clearly unconcerned with the actual aftermath of spreading the coronavirus. Around 500 patrons were reportedly seen sharing drinks, ignoring social distancing, and not wearing masks. The venue itself had no barriers to encourage social distancing, and most employees were also not wearing face masks. “Basically, it was just a concert environment,” Ohio Investigative Unit enforcement commander Eric Wolf told NBC News’ local affiliate, WCMH. “If you had taken that event and put it in 2019, it would have been pretty much the same concert, same event, that was taking place last night.” Social-media footage of the event pretty much confirms the lack of COVID-19 safety protocols in place. As of Monday, Ohio has reported over 484,000 coronavirus cases and more than 7,000 deaths. Earlier this year, Songz harassed sexual-assault accusers on Twitter, tweeting out private text messages and exposing their phone numbers. Listen, we get wanting to go to a concert, but Nicki Minaj wasn’t there to do her iconic “Bottoms Up” verse, so, really, what was the point?