If you’ve seen Tenet, whether or not you actually understood it, you know that no one serves hammy super-villainy better than Gilderoy Lockhart Sir Kenneth Branagh. So it is a stroke of perfect — if not psychically exhausting — casting news to learn that Branagh will play prime minister of the United Kingdom Boris Johnson in an upcoming limited drama series about the early days of the coronavirus outbreak. The five-episode miniseries, currently titled This Sceptred Isle, “will trace the impact on Britain from this once-in-a-generation pandemic, and the response of scientists, nurses, and doctors as they worked tirelessly and heroically to contain and overcome the virus,” The Hollywood Reporter reports. Michael Winterbottom of the four-part The Trip saga has co-written the series with Kieron Quirke and will direct all five episodes. It will all be worth it for Branagh bloviating in a scraggly BoJo wig.