We already knew Kristen Wiig welcomed two quarantine babies via surrogacy at some point last year, and in a new interview, the Saturday Night Live star confirms that she and her fiancé, actor and writer Avi Rothman, tied the knot under the radar. “I am very lucky about having these two babies and my husband, and they make it all better. It’s changed my life,” Wiig said while a guest on SiriusXM’s The Howard Stern Show Wednesday. Joking about balancing work, specifically promoting her upcoming movie Barb and Star Go to Vista Del Mar and family during the pandemic, Wiig says, “It’s really hard because I’m always convinced they’re going to forget who I am if I’m gone for a day. I have looked at my children, like, ‘I am your mother. I am your mother.’”
“I am nervous about actually leaving and going to work when that happens because there’s something really nice about being home with them all the time,” said Wiig of her twins, who’s names she has yet to reveal. “The time is coming and I’m going to do my best to balance, and they will come first.” “They” being two identical Gillys, at least that’s how we pictured the Wiig-Rothman household.