At 3:24 p.m. CST at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, Tennessee, the world realigned on its axis. Crowds wept, rain fell, and the sun shone, all because today, the one and only Dolly Rebecca Parton got her COVID-19 vaccine. On Twitter, Parton’s official account shared that, “Dolly gets a dose of her own medicine,” confirming her preference for the Moderna vaccine that she helped to fund. But let’s pay attention to something perhaps even more important: the outfit. Dolly wore seemingly the perfect outfit to get the vaccine — a navy, glittery cold-shoulder top, matching mask, necklace, and a smokey eye to boot. How did we not think of these genius cutouts before? They provide the perfect area for vaccine distribution, yet don’t show those pesky triceps. Hoping this will be the newest 2021 trend, after wide-leg pants and pushing back awards-show ceremonies.
It’s been a huge year for Dolly, what with reading goodnight stories to children during the pandemic and saving the life of her child co-star on the set of her Netflix movie Christmas on the Square. And don’t forget her decades-long career of good works: She started the Imagination Library (a children’s literacy program), opened an eagle reserve at Dollywood, and shows her support for the Black Lives Matter movement and LGBTQ+ individuals, all proving her goodwill simply has bounds no mere mortal could understand. Let’s hope this shot gives Dolly the power to grace us with another ten albums and two spin-off feature films (though she probably could do all that without the shot).
Update March 3 at 11 a.m.: Miss Dolly continues to give. In a video later uploaded to her social media, Parton confirmed her inoculation and sang a riff on her hit “Jolene,” belting: “Vaccine, vaccine, vaccine, vacciiiiine / I’m begging of you, please don’t hesitate / Vaccine, vaccine, vaccine, vacciiiiine / ’Cause once you’re dead, then that’s a bit too late.” She then encouraged everyone to get the vaccine. “I just want to say to all of you cowards out there: Don’t be such a chicken squat. Get out there and get your shot.” She then got the shot on-camera like the absolute legend she is.