Another week, another cut-for-time Saturday Night Live sketch starring Kyle Mooney. This time, it’s an HGTV spoof called “Bachelor Home Makeover,” in which Heidi Gardner and Nick Jonas wear the Property Brothers uniform of puffer vests over plaid shirts while turning a nice, livable apartment into a depressing, bare-bones space for a couple of single dudes in their late 30s. If you’ve ever had the misfortune of going to this sort of man’s house, you’ve seen this set up before: an empty common area with just a recliner sofa (“it’s got like, the cupholders, like, already built in the couch?”) and flat-screen TV for gaming. An air fryer for making tots. A Scarface poster. The whole sketch plays like a warmed-over, less audacious version of the absurdist “It’s a Tear Down” sketch that Comedy Bang! Bang! did on IFC a whole seven years prior; a poor man’s man’s grave, if you will.