John Oliver has, historically, hated reboots of beloved television shows featuring divisive women, and he took a detour during Sunday’s Last Week Tonight episode to ensure viewers were aware of the fashionable uncanny valley known as And Just Like That. You know, honey, that upcoming show on HBO Max without Kim Cattrall? It stars three others? Allegedly? Yeah, he’s not excited about it. “No workplace should be in danger of shutting down because it loses one person. Unless that workplace is the Sex and the City reboot,” Oliver explained. “What are you thinking? It’s never gonna work without Kim Cattrall. It’s not that any of you are bad; it’s that you only work together. I can’t appreciate my puritan Charlotte if I don’t have my naughty Samantha, and I live for Miranda, but if she’s not serving side-eye while Samantha is using penne pasta to describe her Italian lover’s dick, what is the point?” We’re going to guess the paychecks and the wardrobes.