Life comes at you fast, even if you’re a pop star. Justin Bieber posted an Instagram Story on Wednesday shouting out controversial country artist Morgan Wallen. Biebs posted a screenshot of Wallen’s Dangerous: The Double Album captioned “Love this album.” (Bieber’s latest album, Justice, actually pushed Dangerous off the top of the Billboard charts in March of this year.) The love fest didn’t last long, as Bieber deleted the Story and issued an apology for not knowing that Wallen was caught on camera saying the N-word. “I had no idea that the guy’s music I posted was recently found saying racist comments,” Bieber wrote in his stories. “I sincerely apologize to anyone I offended.”
Bieber also took time to thank the Black people in his life for educating him when he made racist jokes in the past: “When I was a kid, I was incredibly ignorant and said some very hurtful racist jokes that clearly were not funny. I hurt a lot of people especially the Black people in my life but was fortunate enough to have had them educate me on the horrifying origin of the n word. This brings those painful memories back up, I will always take ownership for my ignorance and my past because I know I am not that person.” Wallen’s latest explanation of his words took place on Good Morning America, where he said that when he’s with his friends, they “say dumb stuff together.”