Two months ago, Eric Clapton lamented how his friends were ghosting him because of his anti-vaccination and anti-lockdown rhetoric. We begged for famous names, and now … we kind of have one? Queen guitarist and curl model Brian May told The Independent in a new interview that, despite going down to the crossroads his entire life, his admiration for Clapton has faltered a bit due to his COVID-adjacent comments. “I love Eric Clapton, he’s my hero, but he has very different views from me in many ways. He’s a person who thinks it’s OK to shoot animals for fun, so we have our disagreements, but I would never stop respecting the man,” he explained. “Anti-vax people, I’m sorry, I think they’re fruitcakes. There’s plenty of evidence to show that vaccination helps. On the whole they’ve been very safe. There’s always going to be some side effect in any drug you take, but to go around saying vaccines are a plot to kill you, I’m sorry, that goes in the fruitcake jar for me.” Clapton, the Earl of Fruitcakes, issued a decree in July that stated he’ll refuse to play shows where proof of vaccination is required. No word on if cocaine is getting the same treatment.