Here’s a bit of pre-COVID ancient trivia: Did you know Cheer season one aired last year? It seems like a lifetime ago, but the first season of Netflix’s cheerleading docuseries aired pre-pandemic in January 2020. The show’s young stars became famous overnight, and one of them, 21-year-old Jerry Harris, was arrested in September 2020 on a child-pornography charge after months of media attention. The trailer for season two of Cheer shows the members of the Navarro College cheer team grappling with the aftermath of the accusations about Harris as well as dealing with their newfound fame. Teammates like Lexi Brumback, Gabi Butler, and La’Darius Marshall are all back for the new season, as is Coach Monica, along with some new athletes. This season will spend more time focused on their rivals, underdogs Trinity Valley Community College, and ringer Angel Rice, “the Simone Biles of cheerleading.” The show returns with nine new episodes January 12.