In the second most interesting Madonna news of the day, Evan Rachel Wood showed off her Madonna impression on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon last night. This is important, of course, because she will be starring as Madonna in the upcoming Weird Al biopic, Weird, which also stars Daniel Radcliffe in the titular role. We’d seen images of ERW all dressed up in Madonna getup, but this was the first prolonged look we’ve gotten at the voice, and, honestly, she sounds pretty good! The bar is lower for a Weird Al biopic than it would be for something like … an upcoming Madonna movie that nobody’s talking about, but she gets the early-’80s nasal quality just right.
While on Fallon, ERW started with a vocal impression before being prompted by Fallon to do a musical impression to “Material Girl.” ERW then did not only a Madonna impression, but also provided an Alanis and a Janis Joplin impression as well. What’s truly important is that (allegedly) Julia Garner knows what she’s up against.