i love the '90s

There’s a Barney Documentary About ‘the Human Need to Hate’

“What color is happier than purple? No color.” This sounds like an empirical fact because Bill Nye is saying it. He’s one of a number of talking heads in the trailer for I Love You, You Hate Me, a two-part documentary “chronicling the rise and fall of Barney the dinosaur’s furious backlash — and what it says about the human need to hate.” That’s … a pretty Hannah Arendt–ish choice for this subject matter. “Barney stands for inclusion, acceptance,” says Bob West, the voice of the big purple dinosaur, ergo, the “violent and explicit” plush-Barney-bashing imagery we see in the trailer must be against those values. And here I thought singing “I hate you, you hate me, let’s go out and kill Barney” was just a healthy way for 6-year-olds of the time to signal they were big kids now.

In the trailer, Al Roker recalls the sensation of anti-Barney furor, and one person remembers scandalous schoolyard rumors like “Barney hides drugs in his tail.” Words flash onscreen saying, “Why does the world love to HATE?” It all sounds a bit extreme, but then again — did you ever think a Barney trailer would have the words “death and dismemberment” in it? Did you think it would end in a shooting? I Love You, You Hate Me will premiere on Peacock on October 12 in all its big purple glory.

There’s a Barney Documentary About ‘the Human Need to Hate’